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How do Ads on Facebook Work? – Complete Guide

Let’s be honest, you might have heard so-called experts or influencers discussing that Facebook ads are struggling, they don’t work, move to other platforms and so on. 

But the truth is, Facebook ads really work. The only caveat being your business must be suited to Facebook. 

Facebook algorithms have been a tough nut to crack, but if you know how to run proper campaigns, then it’s worth giving it a shot. Let’s understand how do ads on Facebook work

Here’s what we will learning in this blog:

  • Different types of Facebook ads
  • How much does it cost to run Facebook Ads?
  • How do Ads on Facebook Work?

Let’s get started. 

Different Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads Types

Facebook offers a diverse range of advertising formats to help businesses effectively reach their target audiences. Here are the primary types of Facebook ads available:

  1. Image Ads

Image ads are simple yet effective, featuring a single image along with a headline and description. They are commonly used to promote specific products or offers and can include a call to action (CTA) directing users to a landing page or product page.

  1. Video Ads

Video ads are increasingly popular due to their engaging nature. These ads can appear in users’ News Feeds or as ads within longer videos. They are effective for storytelling and can be tracked for viewer engagement, allowing for retargeting based on how long users watch the video.

  1. Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow advertisers to showcase up to 10 images or videos in a single ad, each with its own link. This format is ideal for displaying multiple products or features, enabling a more interactive experience for users.

  1. Slideshow Ads

Slideshow ads combine multiple images or videos into a video-like format, making them a cost-effective alternative to traditional video ads. They can be particularly useful for users with slower internet connections.

  1. Collection Ads

Collection ads are designed for mobile devices, allowing users to browse a selection of products without leaving the Facebook app. This format enhances the shopping experience directly within the platform.

  1. Instant Experience Ads

Formerly known as Canvas ads, Instant Experience ads offer a full-screen, immersive experience that loads quickly. They can include a mix of videos, images, and product catalogs, providing a rich interactive experience for users.

  1. Poll Ads

Poll ads engage users by allowing them to participate in a two-option poll integrated into an image or video ad. This format provides valuable insights into audience preferences.

  1. Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads automatically show relevant products from your catalog to users who have expressed interest in them, making them effective for retargeting campaigns.


How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Facebook?

There’s no fixed answer. But on the bright side, you can start Facebook advertising with as low as $10/day. The cost of running an ad will depend on the type of ad. For example, lead campaigns will have higher costs than awareness campaigns. 

Wordstream says, the average CPC of Facebook ads is $0.83 across all the industries in comparison to CPC of $4.22 for Google Ads. 

However, the cost also varied a lot based on the industry. For example, industries like dental, services, legal, and finance have higher costs per click than industries like food, travel, and entertainment. 

Now that you have some answers let’s move on to how to set up Facebook ads. 


How Do Ads On Facebook Work? 

How Facebook Ads Work

Step 1: Define Ad Objective

An objective is important as it helps you measure your campaigns’ success. There are 11 types of ad objectives as follows. 

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Brand awareness
  • Traffic
  • Conversions
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Catalog sales
  • App installs
  • Store visits
  • Video views
  • Lead generation
  • Messages

If you want to get leads, then you must choose lead generation as objective. Once done, move on to the next step. 

Step 2: Set Up Your Target Audience

Now comes a significant question. Who is your target audience? The answer is never “everyone is my target audience”. Properly defining your target audience is important for ad success. Fortunately, Facebook allows advanced ad targeting that makes it easy to reach better-qualified leads for your ads. 

In this step, you can define your target audience through multiple options, such as: 

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Buying habits
  • Hobbies/Interests
  • Family status
  • Marital status

Now, once you have refined your target audience, it’s time to set up the budget. 

Step 3: Define and Set the Ad Budget

Facebook gives you two options when setting up a budget. 

  • Daily budget – This budget defines how much you want to pay per day for an ad campaign.
  • Lifetime budget – This budget defines how much you want to spend over the campaign’s lifetime

As a general rule, it’s good to set up both budgets. By setting up a daily budget, you can safeguard your ads from spending the entire ad budget in a day.

Step 4:Determine your ad content

Now, you need to add the ad content. We have defined different types of ad content above. But for a quick recap, you can add videos, images, text, collections, carousels, etc. It’s important to create ads with proper content, as most of your campaign’s success will depend on whether your audience is finding your ad relevant. Keep it professional.

Step 5: Launch the Ads

Now, it’s time to launch your ad and wait for results. 


Get Started With Facebook Ads

Now that you have learned how do ads on Facebook work, you are ready to run your campaigns. Facebook has advanced over the years, and currently, there are several ad tools at your disposal to help you. However, if you need help with Facebook ads, then don’t hesitate to take expert help. WebIndia Inc.’s leading Facebook ads expert will help you set up and run successful Facebook ads. 

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